Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WIP Wednesdays

Wow - how time flies when you are having fun....I can't believe that it is Wednesday already.

I have been pretty busy this week, so let's get to it...

I took up the Mini Quilt Challenge by Ellison Lane Quilts and was inspired by a great tutorial by "Don't Call Me Betsy" - and created this Valentine inspired mini quilt.  It is machine pieced and I hand quilted it. I call it "Be Mine Friendship Star".  I had a bunch of 6" squares of various reds just laying about and being February, they were calling to me.  I put a natural linen border on it and love how it looks...what do you think?
Second finish for the week is a commission for a friend to give to her Mom.  She wanted something very traditional and 'country' colors.  Her Mom also likes here is what I came up with.  It is an original design called, "Keep Your Sunny Side Up" - machine pieced and hand quilted with a pieced back.

I think the one that I am most happy about is finally getting my Tennessee Waltz back from the long-arm quilter - it is now bound and has been washed and dried for that wonderful crinkly look - I am so pleased with how it turned out....
Also on the table are the following:

  • Sew Out Loud {Quilter's Word Play} QAL
  • getting "The Big Flake" ready for quilting (top & back are assembled)
  • Modern Minx Bee - starting to design the layout of all my yummy blocks from my fellow Minx!  
  • Friendship Star Swap Quilt....block are waiting!
  • two more quilts are at the long arm quilter that need to be finished for the quilt show in July! 
Whew - but it feels good to be busy and creating....

That's all for now - see y'all later.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WIP Wednesday...

Even though many other demands have been made on my time this week, I have been able to squeeze in precious quilting time.  

I finished up a commission for a friend at work - a mini quilt as gift to her mother.  The request was to be very traditional and very country looking.  I think I achieved that with this little quilt.  I call it "Keep your Sunny Side Up!"  It is a wonky star around a fussy cut little chicken with a circle of flying geese around it.  It measures approximately 18" x 18".  It was designed by me - machine pieced and hand quilted.  The back has a row of flying geese - leftover from the front, as I changed my design, part way through the process - one of the things I like about quilting - you never really know what you will end up with.
My "Tennessee Waltz" was finally returned from the long arm quilter (5 months later than promised) but she did a beautiful job.  I just have to attach the binding and then I will take lots of photos ... hopefully by next week (fingers crossed)

I tried my hand a couple of pouches and they came out OK - I know now what I need to do to make them perfect....but these are still usable.  I used a tutorial, provided by June from Junebugs World - guest blogger on Sew Sweetness by Sara - (


I finished my block for the Modern Minx Bee - February is Stargazing for Vicky - it will be in the post early next week.  I can't wait to see how this quilt turns out!  Very exciting!!! I have already received 9 out 11 "Envy" blocks with the last 2 on the way very soon - January's project - and have started doodling several designs for a layout...they look great together! 

The Modern Round Robin is also coming due soon and I have pulled fabrics and gotten an OK from my partner!  This too, should be completed and in the post by next week...

I have started to pull fabrics for the "Sew Out Loud" QAL.  The first block has been posted and I think I know what I plan for it...tricky paper piecing - but that is the reason I joined this group and it is being lead by some GREAT quilters...
Lastly, I made up a mini quilt, inspired by Elizabeth's "Friendship Hexagon Mini" (using tutorial found here: with a bunch of red squares that I had laying around for a long time.  I have bordered in in a natural linen and love how it looks.  I needed something small to take along while my Mom is having a procedure done in the hospital.  She will be there for a day or so, and I need to keep my hands busy while I am worrying and trying not to look like I am worrying ... No pictures yet of this one, but I will get them as soon as I go home again.....

Very productive week - squeezed in with work and family ....  oh yes, and Valentine's!  My hubby surprised me with a wonderful Prime Rib dinner and a romantic movie - Dr. Zhivago!  Romance for me and the Russian Revolution for him - life can't get better than that.

We all are keeping positive thoughts for Mom - and see you all soon,

Linking up with WIP over at Freshly Pieced found here:


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Quilt Guild

February is when our Guild, (Prince Edward County Quilters' Guild) has its annual Pot Luck.  It was another roaring success and everyone had a great meal.  I really love how we didn't plan what to bring and there was an even amount of sweet and savory dishes.

We also presented our finished "Whisper Challenge" quilts.  This is based on the game, Telephone, that we used to play as children.  Teams were formed and one member drew a sealed envelope with a photo to use as inspiration.  Once they were finished, they passed their project on to the next team member who used that as their inspiration, and so on....

The REAL fun started when we all presented out finished projects and usually the last person's project had no relation at all to the photo.  There was much laughter and excitement.  All the team projects will be presented at our bi-annual quilt show to be held this July!  Sadly, I forgot my camera and don't have pictures of the presentations.  

My Whisper Challenge is shown here.  I had a photo of a dresser with some pretty bottles and jewellery on it.  I call this mini wall quilt, "My Favourite Things".  Sorry, I don't have a copy of the photo, but I am quite happy with the results here.
My Favourite Things

There was also a good turnout of show and tell, in which I showed my "12 Days of Christmas" QAL and finished "Indigo Stars".  

See you all soon,


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

WIP Wednesday

I am almost finished my 12 Days of Christmas QAL - Yay....All that is left to do is the label and a hanging sleeve, as I am entering it in my Quilt Guild's Show (July 2012)...wish me luck!  Then it will be ready for gifting to my daughter, Melissa, as promised.  {picture to be posted a bit later, when washed and all crinkly}

Since I finished this project - I feel free to join another QAL.  So join me if you like for the "Sew Out Loud" QAL - details can be found here: 

Go take a peek and see the great giveaway included...

My Modern Minx Bee is moving along nicely.  My blocks from the January Bee are starting to come in and I will post pictures once a few more arrive.  They are looking fantastic.  February's Minx (patchwork queen) has also posted her wishes and we are challenged to make a variety of stars - I am still pulling fabric and waiting for my solid to arrive in the mail. 

That's all this week....
