Wednesday, February 15, 2012

WIP Wednesday...

Even though many other demands have been made on my time this week, I have been able to squeeze in precious quilting time.  

I finished up a commission for a friend at work - a mini quilt as gift to her mother.  The request was to be very traditional and very country looking.  I think I achieved that with this little quilt.  I call it "Keep your Sunny Side Up!"  It is a wonky star around a fussy cut little chicken with a circle of flying geese around it.  It measures approximately 18" x 18".  It was designed by me - machine pieced and hand quilted.  The back has a row of flying geese - leftover from the front, as I changed my design, part way through the process - one of the things I like about quilting - you never really know what you will end up with.
My "Tennessee Waltz" was finally returned from the long arm quilter (5 months later than promised) but she did a beautiful job.  I just have to attach the binding and then I will take lots of photos ... hopefully by next week (fingers crossed)

I tried my hand a couple of pouches and they came out OK - I know now what I need to do to make them perfect....but these are still usable.  I used a tutorial, provided by June from Junebugs World - guest blogger on Sew Sweetness by Sara - (


I finished my block for the Modern Minx Bee - February is Stargazing for Vicky - it will be in the post early next week.  I can't wait to see how this quilt turns out!  Very exciting!!! I have already received 9 out 11 "Envy" blocks with the last 2 on the way very soon - January's project - and have started doodling several designs for a layout...they look great together! 

The Modern Round Robin is also coming due soon and I have pulled fabrics and gotten an OK from my partner!  This too, should be completed and in the post by next week...

I have started to pull fabrics for the "Sew Out Loud" QAL.  The first block has been posted and I think I know what I plan for it...tricky paper piecing - but that is the reason I joined this group and it is being lead by some GREAT quilters...
Lastly, I made up a mini quilt, inspired by Elizabeth's "Friendship Hexagon Mini" (using tutorial found here: with a bunch of red squares that I had laying around for a long time.  I have bordered in in a natural linen and love how it looks.  I needed something small to take along while my Mom is having a procedure done in the hospital.  She will be there for a day or so, and I need to keep my hands busy while I am worrying and trying not to look like I am worrying ... No pictures yet of this one, but I will get them as soon as I go home again.....

Very productive week - squeezed in with work and family ....  oh yes, and Valentine's!  My hubby surprised me with a wonderful Prime Rib dinner and a romantic movie - Dr. Zhivago!  Romance for me and the Russian Revolution for him - life can't get better than that.

We all are keeping positive thoughts for Mom - and see you all soon,

Linking up with WIP over at Freshly Pieced found here:


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